
Here you will find news articles written by BRI Business Recovery and Insolvency, where we share our expertise and insights.

March 4, 2025

As insolvency practitioners, our role goes beyond providing advice – we also offer comprehensive support to our clients throughout the process. So, it was rewarding to receive some positive feedback from two directors after successfully concluding the solvent liquidation of their company. It’s satisfying to know that our efforts helped guide them through a smooth transition.

“We would like to extend our sincere thanks to you and your team for your exceptional professionalism in managing the liquidation of our company. The process has been carried out with remarkable efficiency and expertise, and we truly appreciate the dedication and skill demonstrated throughout. Your efforts have made this experience seamless, and we are genuinely grateful for the support provided.”

February 11, 2025

“I felt compelled to send this email after several conversations recently when you have time and time again been such a help in the liquidation of my company.

After 25 years, coming to terms with the fact that my business could no longer continue was traumatic to say the least, and the knowledge that this unknown process lay ahead was so unbelievably stressful.

Your help, advice, input, and explanations every step of the way has been invaluable and although this is not an easy process and it is still ongoing, I genuinely don’t know how on earth I would have managed without the BRI Team.

The Client

The above testimonial is from a director of a publishing company (“the company”) that specialised in advertising. BRI met with the director following an introduction from their accountant.

Prior to meeting with BRI, the director, like a lot of other directors we meet, had worked really hard to try and improve the financial position of the company (relocating to smaller premises, reducing employees, looking at new ways to improve turnover to mention a few). However, despite the best efforts of the director and the remaining employees, it was clear to the director that the position would not improve and that there was no further changes that could be made to try and improve the position.  The effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the challenge of adapting to altered customer demands had significantly impacted the company’s turnover and the position could not be recovered.

At BRI we understand how difficult this process is for all stakeholders and so it is important to ensure that those impacted by an insolvency process are given opportunities to ask questions in order to feel totally comfortable with the process that will be undertaken.  All clients and stakeholders are supported by two experienced BRI team members to ensure that they always have a point of contact if they have an urgent query or just need some reassurance and/or support.

January 14, 2025

Liquidations are a complex process in that the Insolvency Act 1986 has the exact same provisions and processes for both a public limited company (listed on the Stock Exchange) and small companies with two directors and shareholders.  We appreciate that directors are not familiar with the legislation and the various technical hoops a company must go through to be wound up.    Consequently, it’s always great when directors and members say “.. thank you all for guiding us through the liquidation process and making it timely, smooth and painless”.  For our team, it doesn’t get much better than that.

December 10, 2024

Here at BRI we make sure to deliver on time and on budget. Below are just a sample of a few comments from satisfied clients who entrusted BRI with their company liquidations prior to the recent Labour budget:

“Thank you to your team, they have worked so efficiently and really made the effort to ensure everything is done on time.” Business owner and sole shareholder.

 “Just confirming safe receipt of the monies. Thank you and the team for everything.” Shareholder

“Thank you so much for all your hard work dealing with our liquidation and getting it done before the budget. We very much appreciate what you and the team have done.” Business owner and shareholder.

In the months running up to the first Labour budget since returning to office, rumours abounded that we would see the end of Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR). One of the consequences of such rumours was that a number of company directors/shareholders wished to liquidate their company (solvently) in order to receive a capital distribution and utilise BADR relief prior to the budget. For those who aren’t aware, BADR allows for funds received via a capital distribution to be taxed at 10% not the usual capital gains tax rate.

With clients being very keen to ensure that their funds could be extracted in the most tax efficient manner prior to a potential substantial hike in their personal tax bills, BRI were trusted to deal with multiple solvent liquidations.

Now as things transpired with the budget BADR was not immediately removed, however the relief will alter from the start of the next tax year so that a 14% rate will be paid on such distributions. Therefore, if you are considering a solvent liquidation, now is the time to get in touch and BRI will be happy to help because, as you can see from the above comments, BRI get it done!

November 19, 2024

“I have worked with John now on several occasions and have found him to communicate to an exceptionally high standard and always in a calm, professional and well considered manner regardless of the value, volatility or impact. He is able to put people at ease and make sure the key tasks and objectives are known and achieved. John has a wealth of expertise and business acumen with an open and honest approach to clients and a real sense of doing the right thing for the right reasons.”

The latest assistance this refers to involved a company with a bright future but significant HMRC debt due to inaccurate book keeping.  As with any bump in the road, sitting down, discussing the issues at hand and looking at all options to see if and how a business can be rescued is key.  In this case a pre-pack was appropriate due to the new procedures and controls they would put in place to ensure the same issue wouldn’t occur again.  It was a challenging time for all involved and remaining calm and professional conveyed the right approach.

October 8, 2024

Late last year, we were approached by a highly-stressed director who had been forced to cease trading after the unexpected, abrupt termination of a contract with his company’s main customer. The company was left with considerable debt and little in the way of valuable assets. Nevertheless, from the first consultation onwards, BRI provided him with the necessary guidance and support at each step of the way towards our appointment as liquidators – including introducing him to a specialist solicitor to assist with a personal legal issue.

He recently emailed us with some very pleasing feedback:

‘Thanks again to you and the team for all of your help with the liquidation…it was invaluable for me.’

BRI’s role in minimising the stress for often very anxious clients is no doubt underestimated by those outside the industry. Pushing aside all the figure-work and legal compliance that forms the structure of our work, we are frequently dealing with people going through extremely tough times. We never forget that.  

September 3, 2024

It is nice when a client describes our service as ‘amazing’; when we get a double ‘amazing’ in the same feedback then clearly we are doing something right. We recently helped a director who no longer required the company as he had decided to take full time employment.  When we implemented a solvent liquidation process (also known as an MVL) and distributed the funds within a short timeframe, the director commented:

“Oh, that’s amazing”…. And…. “You guys were amazing

We appreciate that closing a company will be completely new for most clients who come to BRI, and they are unlikely ever to have dealt with an insolvency practitioner before. BRI are proud to say that we are there for clients every step of the way and hold their hands through this process. We provide sound advice and quick turnaround times. In this case, we managed distribute the majority of the funds to the shareholders at the outset and to proceed to closure within 5 months of our appointment. At BRI, we look to make MVLs as seamless as possible.

August 6, 2024

What’s better than a client being impressed? Them being seriously impressed.  So how does one seriously impress a client, well in this case it was:

“Thank you for your advice during our consultation, we were seriously impressed with your ability to quickly decipher complex scenarios and your proposed strategies”.

With the directors and their legal team drawing a blank as to a way forward, they reached out to BRI to provide a fresh perspective on the matter. The proposed strategies referenced here involved finding a solution to deal with a scenario within which numerous investors were jockeying for position regarding expected returns on a property investment, with some parties claiming preferential status.  If the directors of the development company could not reach an agreement with the investors then potential litigation and/or an insolvency event awaited them.

They were grateful that BRI were on hand to provide a structured compromise that would see all stakeholders exit from their investment without the need for anyone to hit the button on any action that would lead to an insolvency event. We have a wealth of experience in identifying an early compromise that can help produce a much better outcome for all parties, as opposed to the need for formal processes or litigation. If you or a client need guidance or assistance with reaching a compromise with stakeholders who are threatening action, please do not hesitate to contact one of our offices for a free and confidential initial consultation.

July 2, 2024

As insolvency practitioners we not only provide advice but also provide support for our clients so it was great to hear the following from a director for whom we carried out a solvent liquidation and informed her that the liquidation and our work had concluded.

“That’s great! Thank you for the continued and always very prompt support during the liquidation process.”

The director was originally from France and so English was not her first language and therefore needed a little extra support to help her with understanding the procedures and processes we were required to follow during the MVL process.  We recognise the work we do on daily basis is unknown territory for clients, so going the extra mile to talk them through each step, without the technical jargon, is always appreciated by our clients and reassures them we are here to support at every stage of the process.

Should you wish to read a bit more about the MVL process, please click on the link below or just give the BRI team a call.


June 11, 2024

“Thank you for the great service”, Director & Shareholder of a company in an MVL

BRI were appointed liquidators of a company in a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (“MVL”) in March 2024 whereby we have received a heart-warming testimonial from the director and shareholder of the company, highlighting the great service that BRI has provided to him.

This is something to which everyone at BRI prides themselves on; giving a great level of service to clients in a professional, timely and efficient manner. To receive recognition for the high level of service we provide is something to which we will always be grateful for and one which we will always look to highlight to everyone both inside and outside of the firm. Ultimately, this is why BRI are regarded so highly in the Midlands as we are consistently referred clients from accountants, solicitors, finance lenders, business advisors and even by directors and shareholders we have dealt with previously.

“I will highly recommend you to my friends”

Following on from above, the sentence above was also received in the same testimonial and is very rewarding to hear from a client.

At BRI, each and every case is allocated a case manager and administrator so that the lines of communication between the client and BRI is easy and concise. The two involved on this case should be very proud that the director has shown his appreciation for making his MVL journey a smooth and efficient one.

What is an MVL?

An MVL is a liquidation process for a solvent company whereby the shareholders wish to wind-up the company’s affairs whilst receiving the cash and/or assets remaining in the company after all debts have been paid in, ordinarily, a more tax efficient way than just receiving dividends.

If you are interested to know more information on the process please get in contact for a free and without obligation consultation.